BEAUTY, THE BULL ( a playscript about Respect)


 “ Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.” 

Helen Keller



– Respect is to treat others kindly without criticizing.

– Respect is to listen, attend, and treat others as we would like to be treated.


– Respect is necessary to live in peace and harmony with our friends, family, and neighbors.


– We respect ourselves when we take care of our body and our health.

– Having respect for ourselves is not to let anybody to make fun of us for what we are or what we do

– Feeling respect for ourselves helps us to do what is right even if other people tells us to go the wrong way.


– We should listen others without judging them.


– We have to learn thatwe have the same rights, even if we are different.


– It is important to learn to respect our friends and not laugh for how they look, what they like or for their culture.


– When a friend makes you feel bad or critizes you, it means that he or she doesn`t respect you.


– It is important not to get into people`s lives. Sometimes they need to be alone o have other activities where we can not go and we have to respect that.


– We have to respect our elders and our parents. They have experience and wisdom that can share with us.


– We shouldn`t make feel bad other members of our family even if what they like seems ridiculous to us.


– Respect your parents, your friends, and your teachers.

– Respect yourself. Don`t do what others tells you to do if you think that it is not right.


– Keep your promises so that other people respect you.

Respect should start with ourselves and then continue to others. 


“ I must respect the opinions of others even if I disagree with them.” 

Herbert Henry Lehman 













NARRATOR: Many, many years ago in a faraway land, a sweet bull was born.  A very rich man called Ivan, named him Beauty.


IVAN: I have to feed Beauty and take good care of him.

NARRATOR: When Beauty grew up into a strong bull, he thought.


BEAUTY: My master gave me everything.  One day I would like to thank him.


NARRATOR: So one day Beauty said to his master.


BEAUTY: Master, go and look for a merchant proud of his animals, and tell him that I can pull a hundred wagons.


IVAN: Are you sure you can do it?.


BEAUTY: Yes, master.


NARRATOR: So Ivan went to visit a merchant called Oman.


OMAN: I have the strongest bull in town.


IVAN: Ha, ha, ha, you must be joking!.  I have the strongest bull in town, he can pull a hundred fully loaded wagons.


OMAN: I have to see that with my own eyes. I bet you a thousand gold coins.


IVAN: We will do the exhibition tomorrow.


NARRATOR: The merchant tied a hundred sand loaded wagons to make them heavier. When the exhibition started, Ivan got up into the first wagon, he took his whip and hit the bull.


IVAN: Come on lazy animal!.  Pull the wagons!.


BEAUTY: I´ve never done anything bad to my master, why is he insulting me?. I will not pull the wagons!.


MERCHANT: Ha, ha, ha, ha give me my gold coins!.


NARRATOR: When they went home, Beauty asked Ivan.


BEAUTY: Why are you sad?.


IVAN: I lost a lot of money because of you.


BEAUTY: You hit me with the whip, and you called me lazy.  Tell me, did I in my whole life break something?.  I have worked hard for you, haven’t I?


IVAN: Well, yes.


BEAUTY: I feel sorry for you.  Go and tell the mechant to bet again, but this time bet two thousand gold coins.  And, this time use only the words I deserve.


NARRATOR: The merchant agreed and thought he would win again.  Next day everything was ready.  When it was time for Beauty to pull the wagons, Ivan said.

IVAN: (touching Beauty´s head with a flower) Beauty, could you please do me the favor of pulling these hundred wagons?.

NARRATOR: Beauty obeyed immediately and pulled the hundred wagons.


OMAN: What!.  I can´t believe he did it.  I will have to pay Ivan two thousand gold coins.


NARRATOR: And people who watched the bull pulling the wagons ran to him to feed him and give him presents.


IVAN:  I appreciate the lesson Beauty taught me.  I have to be humble and respect others.


NARRATOR: And it was a lesson Ivan remembered his whole life.




Author: Bhutan Legend


Adapted by: K I D S I N C O


Moral Value:  Respect

“ How delicious it is to respect others”.

Anton Chejov



“ I’m not concerned with your liking or disliking me… All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.”  –

Jackie Robinson



“ Treat others as you want them to treat you because what goes around comes around” 

Author Unknown



“You should respect each other and refrain from disputes; you should not, like water and oil, repel each other, but should, like milk and water, mingle together”. 



“ I must respect the opinions of others even if I disagree with them.” 

Herbert Henry Lehman 

“ How delicious it is to respect others”.

Anton Chejov

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