Teaching Vocabulary
· What a student may need to know about a new word
· Ways to present vocabulary
· Other things to consider while teaching vocabulary
This article examines what should be taught while teaching vocabulary, as well as how to present and teach vocabulary.
Teaching vocabulary may be a difficult task when there are hundreds of thousands of terms in the English language. Keep in mind that the average native speaker utilizes about 5,000 words each day in regular conversation. Furthermore, your pupils will not be required to create every word they learn; some will just be required to recognize. It is therefore critical to choose what to teach depending on frequency and relevance to the requirements of your specific pupils. After you've decided what to teach, the following step is to think about what students need to know about the topics and how you'll teach them.
What a student may need to know about a new word
· What it means
It is vital to get across the meaning of the item clearly and to ensure that your students have understood it correctly by checking questions.
· The form
Students need to know if it is a verb/a noun/an adjective etc to be able to use it effectively.
· How it is pronounced
This can be particularly problematic for learners of English because there is often no clear relation between how a word is written and how it is pronounced. It is very important to use the phonemic script in such cases so the students have a clear written record of the pronunciation. Don't forget also to drill words that you think will cause pronunciation problems for your students and highlight the word stresses.
· How it is spelled
This is always difficult in English for the reason mentioned above. Remember to clarify the pronunciation before showing the written form.
· If it follows any unpredictable grammatical patterns
For example, man-men / information (uncountable) and if the word is followed by a particular preposition (e.g. depend on )
· The connotations that the item may have
Bachelor is a neutral/positive word whereas spinster conjures a more negative image.
· The situations when the word is or is not used
Is it formal/neutral/informal? For example, spectacles/glasses/specs. Is it used mainly in speech or in writing? To sum up, is usually written whereas mind you is spoken. Is it outdated? Wireless instead of radio.
· How the word is related to others
For example, synonyms, antonyms, lexical sets
· Collocation or the way that words occur together
You describe things 'in great detail' not 'in big detail' and to ask a question you 'raise your hand' you don't 'lift your hand'. It is important to highlight this to students to prevent mistakes in usage later.
· What the affixes (the prefixes and suffixes) may indicate about the meaning
For example, substandard sub means under. This is particularly useful at a higher level.
Which of these areas you choose to highlight will depend on the item you are teaching and the level of your students. Now it's time to think about how we can get the meaning across.
Ways to teach vocabulary
There are lots of ways of getting across the meaning of a lexical item.
· Illustration
This is very useful for more concrete words (dog, rain, tall) and visual learners. It has its limits though, not all items can be drawn.
· Mime
This lends itself particularly well to action verbs and it can be fun and memorable.
· Synonyms/Antonyms/Gradable items
Using the words a student already knows can be effective for getting meaning across.
· Definition
Make sure that it is clear (maybe check in a learner dictionary before the lesson if you are not confident). Remember to ask questions to check they have understood properly.
· Translation
If you know the students' L1, then it is fast and efficient. Remember that not every word has a direct translation.
· Context
Think of a clear context when the word is used and either describe it to the students or give them example sentences to clarify the meaning further.
Again which you choose will depend on the item you are presenting. Some are more suitable for particular words. Often a combination of techniques can be both helpful and memorable.
Other things to consider when teaching vocabulary
· Review the vocabulary you teach through a game or activity and encourage your students to do the same at home
· Encourage autonomy in your learners. Tell them to read, watch films, listen to songs, etc and note the useful words
· Have a section of your board for vocabulary items that come up as you are teaching. Use different colors for the word / the phonemics / the prepositions / the part of speech
· It is a good idea to teach/learn words with associated meanings together
· Encourage your students to purchase a good dictionary and use class time to highlight the benefits of one
· Teach your students the grammatical names for the parts of speech and the phonemic script
· Always keep a good dictionary by your side in case a student asks about a word you don't know
· If you don't and have never heard of the word, tell the student you will check and get back to them. Do get back to them
· Give extra examples sentences to the students if they are unsure and encourage them to write the word in an example sentence (maybe for homework)
Setting: A forest, in the Spring. The tree is on stage. Very slowly the sun appears. The birds are singing. There´s soft music in the background.
Props: Ax, ball
(The Tree is crying in the center of the stage)
GIRL: (enters the stage) Where´s my ball? This is happening to me because I disobeyed my mom. (then she tells the audience): Has anybody seen my ball?. (looking at the tree) What´s wrong with you?. Are you crying?. Who hit you?. (she tells the audience) Did you hurt the tree?.
TREE: Nobody hurt me, don´t worry. You are too young, you don`t understand. What`s your name?.
GIRL: Ana. But, tell me, what wrong with you?.
RABBIT: (enters the stage running) You didn´t get me!. You didn´t get me! (he trips with the girl and both fell to the floor).
GIRL: Ouch!. Watch out!.
RABBIT: Oh, I´m sorry, I´m sorry, but… what´s wrong?. (To the tree) Do you have a cold or are you crying?.
TREE: A bird told me that a woodcutter is coming to cut me down.
RABBIT: Are they going to cut you down?. (The Dove, the Flower, and the Bird enter the stage) To cut you down?. Where am I going to hide?.
BIRD: Where am I going to do my nest ?.
DOVE: What am I going to eat?.
FLOWER: Who will give me shade?.
SUN: How sad the forest will be!.
RABBIT: I will fight for you with my own hands.
BIRD: There he comes!. There’s the woodcutter!. Let´s get together.
WOODCUTTER: (enters the stage whistling) Which tree should I cut?. I´ll choose one (looks at the tree). I like this one (starts cutting the tree. The Rabbit enters the stage and throws the ax to the floor. The woodcutter seems surprised, looks around, picks up the ax and tries again to cut the tree, but the bird enters the stage and also throws the ax to the floor). But, what´s happening?. Why are these animals bothering me? (starts cutting the tree. The tree screams).
TREE: (crying) Oh, please don`t do that!.
GIRL: (enters the stage) Don´t you listen how he cries?.
WOODCUTTER: Who´s crying?. The tree?. Who cares about the tree?. (tells the audience) Do you all care?.
GIRL: We care. He gives us fruit, he protects us, he cleans our air, and he´s our friend.
WOODCUTTER: I have a family and I need wood to cook and get warm.
GIRL: You can find wood somewhere else. You can find wood in old and dry branches and trees. This tree is our friend and we are going to take care of him (she leaves the stage).
RABBIT: (enters the stage) If you´re brave, come fight with me!. I will fight for you, tree.
WOODCUTTER: (hits the Rabbit) Who do you want to fight with?.
RABBIT: Me?. With nobody!. Who said something about fighting?. (leaves the stage)
GIRL: (enters the stage and hugs the tree) We will not leave you. He will also have to destroy us .
WOODCUTTER: (looks impressed) OK, that`s enough. I´ll look somewhere else, maybe for dry trees. I am not a monster. (tells the audience) Don´t look at me that way. I understand now. Let the trees live (leaves the stage).
GIRL: (jumps happily) We did it!. We did it!.
RABBIT: (enters the stage) Where is he?. Where is he?.
GIRL: He´s gone, he understood. Our friend is sound and safe now.
TREE: I am very happy!. Thank you my friends.
Props: Box with a mousetrap; soup dish; thermometer
NARRATOR: A mouse is looking through the wall and sees a man and a woman opening a package.
MOUSE: Humm, it looks good. What kind of food can be stored there?.
NARRATOR: He was horrified when he saw that it was a mousetrap. He went outside to tell the others.
MOUSE: There´s a mousetrap in the house. A mousetrap!.
NARRATOR: The chicken who was looking for worms in the ground said.
CHICKEN: Excuse me, Mr. Mouse; I understand that it is a big problem for you, but I don´t care. That doesn´t bother me!.
NARRATOR: The mouse left worried. He went to find the lamb and said.
MOUSE: Mr. Lamb, there´s a mousetrap in the house!.
LAMB: I think that it is not for me. Excuse me, Mr. Mouse, but there´s nothing I can do. I can only pray. Stay calm, you are in my prayers!.
NARRATOR: Then the mouse went to see the cow.
MOUSE: There`s a mousetrap in the house, Mrs. Cow!.
COW: That won´t hurt me. Am I in danger?. I don´t think so.
NARRATOR: Then the mouse went back home looking sad and defeated. That same night when everything was quiet, a loud noise was heard. The noise was that of a mousetrap getting a victim. The woman ran to see the mousetrap. But it was so dark that she didn´t see that the mousetrap got the tail of a deadly snake. Then the snake bit the woman.
WOMAN: Oh, I got bit by a snake!.
NARRATOR: The woman fainted. The man called the doctor. The doctor came and took her temperature, and recommended a chicken soup. Everybody knows that chicken soup is good for people with a fever. The man went out to look for the main ingredient: The chicken. So he ran after the chicken.
MAN: Come here little chicken, I am going to make a soup.
CHICKEN: Oh no, my days are over. I will be the soup!.
NARRATOR: The man showed up with a chicken soup. Since the woman was still sick, her friends and neighbors came to see her. To feed them all, the man decided to cook lamb.
MAN: Come her little lamb. I am going to cook a delicious dish.
LAMB: Oh my, I’m next. I have to run and save my life!.
NARRATOR: Then the man started chasing the lamb. When the woman got better they wanted to celebrate by giving a big party. They decided to cook the cow to feed everybody. So The man chase the cow.
MAN: Come here, little cow, I am going to cook.
COW: Who, me?. No, I wasn´t invited to the party.
MAN: Yes you were!. You are the main dish.
NARRATOR: Finally, the mouse decided to get out.
MOUSE: Next time, when you hear that someone is having problems, remember that there´s a mousetrap in the house, so the whole farm is in danger!. Did you see who got saved?. We need to help those who need us. We never know when we will be in the same situation.
NARRATOR: When plants started to grow on earth, many flowers also appeared. There were roses, dahlias, tulips, and a small yellow flower. One day all the flowers decided that the red rose would be the queen of all flowers because of her beauty and because she could grant wishes. They made a big party to crown their queen and each flower made a wish. Some asked to smell pretty; others wanted to have brilliant colors, and the small yellow flower asked to be the biggest of all the flowers.The red flower granted all the wishes, and that´s how the yellow flower grew, and grew, and grew. She grew so much that she couldn´t stand straight. The yellow flower then understood that she had to live bending on herself. She was so sad and decided to ask the sun for help. One day when the sun was shining up in the sky, he listened to someone call him from the earth.
YELLOW FLOWER: Mr. Sun, can you help me straighten up?.
SUN: Why? You can´t keep yourself straight?.
YELLOW FLOWER: Once when the red rose granted wishes, I asked to be the biggest flower of all. I never thought that I wasn´t going to be able to stand straight like the other flowers.
SUN: I think you learned your lesson. Sometimes we ask for wishes without thinking of the consequences. The only thing that I can do, is make you strong when I shine high in the sky. My sunshine will keep you straight.
YELLOW FLOWER: Thank you Mr. Sun! I will always follow you. Wherever you go, I will go.
NARRATOR: From that day the yellow flower always follows the sun. She turns herself to receive his sunshine. For that reason the other flowers decided to call her ¨Sunflower¨.